Spark Circle

This circle already happened
Sunday, February 5, 2012


MC: Tigris

Stage manager: Travis

Drum practice: Zorg

Altars: East - Debbie; South - Deborah (DJ); West - Hummingbear; North: Bear


Out of silence,  

A story emerges then fades,

Magic echoing


As the silence of winter gives way to the first stirrings of spring and as the wheel of the year turns to the feast of Brigid, goddess of poetry, smithcraft, and healing, let us gather to work with the energy of silence and the energy of words.

We will begin from the silence within ourselves and maintain a zone of silence outside the circle, creating a container in which to let the magic resonate.

You are invited to experience the empty space within yourself, the pregnant pause, the resonance of silence, the void from which something new can arise.

You are invited to bring stories that you might normally share in conversation on the perimeter of the circle and work with them in new ways within the circle.

You are invited to bring spoken word expressions to share: poems, stories, heartsongs. This year, there will again be an opportunity to create haiku in the circle.

Our Spark circle is Sunday, Feb 5. PLEASE COME IN TIME FOR QUIET TIME AT 6:45; it is essential that we start all together from a quiet space.