Spark Circle

This circle already happened
Sunday, February 6, 2011

MC: Tigris
Stage manager: TravisĀ 

Theme: I Have a Dream


East: Visions

Fire: Passions - Venee

Water: Dreams - Kimba

Earth: Manifestations

Missy - TBD

* * * *

Exploring passion
All of life's crunchy facets
Yes, I have a dream!

Dear Sparklers,

I invite you to consider your dreams. Whether you have one large visionary dream
like Martin Luther King's or several personal dreams on a smaller scale, bring
them to February's Spark circle. Speak them around the fire, embody them as you
dance the circle, send them thundering out into the world on a drum rhythm, aing
them from your soul!

If you'd like, encapsulate your dream in a haiku like the one earlier in this
message. (Brigid, meet Martin!) You'll have time to create a haiku at Spark, or
you can get a head start and write one now.

Let me know if you'd like to create an altar.

Let's call our dreams to earth this year!

Love & sparks,