Spark Circle

This circle already happened
Saturday, November 12, 2016

The fall equinox has past, and the never-ending sunny days of summer are just a memory. The shadows are getting longer, and the days will keep getting shorter. Daylight savings time is about to end. And on top of it all, the scariest election of a generation is about to take place.

So now is the time to double down on gratitude. Come join your Spark community as we celebrate the generations that have come before us and our continuing connection with our beloved ancestors, those of blood or those of choice, who have loved us or guided our path or inspired us from afar. Our beloved dead offer us their lessons of persistence, of sacrifice, of continuity. Their gifts shine out in these dark times, like a bonfire on a cold midnight. Let us take solace in our shared experience and dance our gratitude. Joy shared is joy multiplied, and that which is remembered lives.

Nov 12th Timeline:
5:30 - Arrive to help set up the Spark circle and altars
6:30 - Newcomers & old-timers invited for a Spark Circle orientation & greeting.
6:45 - Chant of the Month - learn a new chant or practice an old one.
7:00 - The Circle forms and the journey begins

Ritual Leader: Tao
Assistant Ritual Leader: Gina